Steel Weight Calculator

The material weight calculator makes it quick and easy to calculate the weight of steel and other metals for different shapes, including pipes, beams, plates, and rods.

Shape und Material



0 kg

The results are approximate values based on standard densities.
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The calculation of steel weight is essential for many applications, whether for purchasing, transportation, or construction. The Steel Weight Calculator provides a simple way to quickly and accurately determine the weight of steel sheets, round steel, steel pipes, and other steel profiles.

Why calculate steel weight?

Knowing the steel weight is crucial to:

With the Steel Weight Calculator, you can quickly and easily obtain results for any type and profile.

How does the Steel Weight Calculator work?

  1. Select the shape and material (e.g., structural steel, stainless steel, carbon steel).
  2. Enter the dimensions and optionally the quantity of your steel material.
  3. The result is displayed instantly.

It’s that simple – the calculator performs the calculations as you enter data.

How to calculate the weight of steel?

To calculate the steel weight, you need two key pieces of information:

The general formula for steel weight calculation is:

Weight = Volume × Density

Metals and Density Values

Different types of steel and metals have varying density values, which influence the steel weight calculation. Here are some common density values:

Calculate Steel Weight Now!

With the free online steel weight calculator, you can quickly and easily determine the exact weight of your steel material.

Calculate now & get precise results!